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Clothesline Profile – Vanessa of Rescued Goods

Please forgive me on being late this week on the profile… My little Rosie is in the midst of fever and has made getting computer stuff done a bit harder than normal!  She’ll be fine, but is just very grumpy.  😦

So, this week’s profile is Vanessa of the blog, Rescued Goods.  Her blog is about her life, her upcycling, garden, chickens… fun stuff!  Please take a moment to visit her blog and make sure that you say you came from the Clothesline!

And seriously folks.  I am OUT of people to profile, except for a couple of friends… So, if you like this series PLEASE consider submitting a profile to be included.  If you have a friend or family member who uses the clothesline, beg them for me, too!    Thank you!

Hi! I am Vanessa, from Rescued Goods, and I am excited to be here at Life on the Clothesline to share my clothesline scoop. So, here it is…

Both of my grandmothers had clotheslines and I remember ‘hanging’ with them as they hung their laundry out to dry. I share a fond memory about my Gram and her clothesline on my Etsy profile. When I bought my first home, it came with it’s very own clothesline-yeah! It was in a city close to many other homes, and I was working more than a few jobs at the time, so I used it only occasionally.

When The Mr. & I moved to our current home, he installed a clothesline for me that was so convenient. All I had to do was go out on my porch and hang. The clothesline was attached to my home at a level that I could easily reach standing on my porch, and we connected the other end to the kids’ playset. Perfect! Alas, after a few good years, the wind took down that clothesline in a really good storm.


Here is me and a good friend in front of that clothesline with lots of little diapers hanging. (Not really good picture composition, but good for this post.) What you hear about the sun bleaching out stains-so true. Little diapers look so and smell so clean when you hang them on the line!


So, we (by we I mean totally him) put in an indoor retractable clothesline. And, we got it long enough so we could go back and forth in our hallway to make two lines. I seriously love a 2 for 1 deal! I was using this clothesline frequently, especially with little ones’ clothing.


But, I really, really missed the outdoor clothesline! So, for Mother’s Day I asked for a clothesline again. Yes, it is true-I did! I got one, and take a look at this. 


Pretty good, huh? The posts on the end kind of tip in after a year (but not nearly as bad as this picture would have you believe), so ‘we’ have a little fixing to do, but this one is awesome. It is good for at least two loads of laundry at a time, which is good when the laundry gets backed up. (You know, if that ever happens or anything.)

I don’t always dry my clothes on the line, but Jeannie‘s blog is inspiring me to do better. And, I did hear something about an August challenge, right?  (Jeannie here – we’re moving it to September, after school starts and when it’s a tad cooler, I hope!)  I am in! Maybe if I make it all month without using the dryer I can reward myself with one of these beauties that Jeannie makes!

Thanks for checking in and reading my clothesline chronicle. Drop in at Rescued Goods anytime!

2 responses »

  1. I am a big fan of Rescued Goods’ blog – always so clever, funny, useful and real!! I love this post too, and now I am a fan of Clothesline! Thanks for the cross-over, Vanessa! And for the record, I air-dry my margarita mix bottles 🙂


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